Ijaarsa Pirojektii Bishaan Dhugaatii HNS-2

January 9, 2018by Customer 10

Ijaarsa Pirojektii Bishaan Dhugaatii HNS-2

Ijaarsa Pirojektii Bishaan Dhugaatii HNS-2

Ijaarsa Pirojektii Bishaan Dhugaatii HNS-2

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Dh.Taj.B.Dhug.Dha.HNS (HNSWSSSE)

Dhaabbata Tajaajilaa Bishaan Dhugaatii fi Dhangalaáa Heeban Nageellee Siraaroo

HNSWSSSE (Heban Nagelle Siraroo Water Supply and Sewerage Services Enterprise)

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